by | Sep 16, 2024


Over 38 Lakh cases delayed in district court due to accused absconding and lawyers unavailability.


On 14 th September, 2024, the National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) reported that around 66 lakh pending cases in district courts of India, mainly due to the unavailability of lawyers in the courts and absconding accused.

Key Facts

  • Case Name: State of Maharashtra vs. XYZ (2023)  
  • Name of Judges: Justice MR Shah, Justice NV Ramana  
  • Major delayed cases are around 38 lakh cases because of absconding accused.
  • Out of those cases around 5.1 lakh are related to criminal cases. 
  • Other delayed cases are 2.9 million cases due to witnesses and 2.4 million stayed for other reasons.

Legal Insights

The Supreme Court of India emphasized that lawyer cooperation is very important in reducing case backlogs, stating that frequent adjournments as a key issue for these delays as well.


Lawyer delays and absentee accused is an addition to a significant case backlog, obstructing justice for millions of people.

Why it Matters

The ability of the judicial system depends on the active contribution of lawyers, timely hearings, and a cooperative legal process.













Written By Archana Singh

I am Archana Singh, a recent law master's graduate with a strong aspiration for the judicial service. My passion lies in elucidating complex legal concepts, disseminating legal news, and enhancing legal awareness. I take immense pride in introducing my new legal website - The LawGist. Through my meticulously crafted blogs and articles, I aim to empower individuals with comprehensive legal insights. My unwavering dedication is to facilitate a profound comprehension of the law, enabling people to execute judicious and well-informed choices.

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