The Bombay High Court ruled, No Parental Rights to an Egg Donor in Surrogacy Case
The biological rights of a mother cannot be claimed by an egg donor in a surrogacy case, by giving visitation rights to the petitioner, the twin daughters legal mother .
Key Facts
- Name of the judge-Justice Milind N Jadhav
- Access to her daughters born through surrogacy by the petitioner,using her younger sister’s eggs.
- The husband of a petitioner relocated the children to Ranchi, causing a legal dispute.
- The Bombay High Court rejected the claim of the younger sister to be the biological mother.
Legal Insights
The judge said that an egg donor is not entitled to parental rights,under the 2005 National Guidelines for ART Clinics.The Court explained and cleared that a genetic connection does not equate to legal motherhood.
The Bombay High Court decision showed a clear precedent and legal clarity that egg donors have no parental rights in surrogacy cases. The petitioner got regular visitation rights, safeguarding her relationship with her daughters.
Why It Matters
The Bombay High Court ruling creates the legal framework surrounding surrogacy and parental rights, by providing protection to the interests of all parties, mainly the children, in complex family matters.