Falsus in uno falsus in omnibus – It means “False in one thing, false in everything” in English. It is a legal principle that suggests that if a witness is found to have lied or provided false information about one aspect of their testimony, their credibility can be questioned regarding all aspects of their testimony. In essence, it means that if someone is proven to be dishonest in one part of their statement, it raises doubts about the reliability of their entire testimony.
- Falsus :– false or untrue
- Uno :- one
- Omnibus:- all or everything
Example – A court case where a witness is caught providing false testimony about a minor detail, such as the color of a car involved in an accident. In this case, the legal principle suggests that if the witness was dishonest about something seemingly minor, it could cast doubt on the credibility of their entire testimony, including more critical aspects of their account.