Alter - The act of making changes or modifications to something, often to modify its original state or appearance.
Adjudication - The process of resolving disputes related to cybersecurity and digital offenses through legal proceedings under the act.
Adoption : Adoption is the legal act of permanently taking on the parenting responsibilities for a child who is not biologically one's own.(Section 6 to 11 of the Hindu Adoption And Maintenance Act,1956)
Abscond : Act of leaving a location or jurisdiction, often without prior notice, to avoid legal consequences, obligations, or court proceedings. It can involve escaping from law enforcement, skipping bail, or evading legal responsibilities. (Section 82 of Criminal...
Abduction : Taking someone away by force. (Section 362 of Indian Penal Code)
Abatement: Canceling the writ or action or stopping a nuisance etc