- 1. British Arrival and Trade (1600): East India Company initiated British presence in India as traders under a charter from Queen Elizabeth I.
- 2. Transition to Territorial Power (1765): East India Company acquired ‘diwani’ rights over Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa, shifting from trade-focused functions to territorial authority.
- 3. Direct Crown Control (1858): British Crown assumed governance responsibility after the 1858 ‘sepoy mutiny’, ending the East India Company’s rule.
- 4. Independence and Constitutional Need (1947): India’s independence in 1947 necessitated a Constitution for self-governance and nation-building.
- 5. Constituent Assembly Formation (1946): A Constituent Assembly was established in 1946 to draft and adopt India’s Constitution.
- 7. Constitution Enactment (January 26, 1950): The Indian Constitution was officially established on January 26, 1950, marking the birth of the Indian Republic.
- 8.Company Rule (1773–1858): This phase witnessed the Regulating Act of 1773, designating a Governor-General, establishing the Supreme Court in Calcutta, and enhancing British control over the Company’s affairs.
- 9.Crown Rule (1858–1947): The British Crown directly governed India, shaping its administrative and legal framework.
The Women’s Reservation Bill, officially known as the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam (128th Constitutional Amendment Bill),shows a major step in democratic...